Glory to God in the highest!

When the stars shimmer and the aurora lights dance and we breathe, “Glory!” it is a small glimpse of Your Glory.

When the waves roar and the wind blows, we yell to You, “Glory!”

When the first delicate pink petal pops open until the whole tree puffs pink, we join it in singing of Your Glory.

When the rainbow arches over the meadow, and Your promises arch over us, we nod “Glory!”

When the clouds glow gold over the dark purple mountains before the sun bursts through the cracks, we whisper “Glory!”

When peace settles over the baby, and his breathing slows to sleep, we feel Your Glory.

When the child’s language of a smile erupts in a mountain village, at a fish camp, in the desert, in the city, we see Your Glory.

When a man lays down his life for his brother, we know Your Glory.

When a man and woman live as sacrifice for each other, we learn to live Your Glory.

More beautiful than anything we can see–
More calming than anything we can sense–
More awe-inspiring than any tale we tell–
More awesome than we can comprehend–
More loving than we could ever give–

Glory to You God! Glory to You in the highest!

Lord, we thank You for our military marriages. For all those tough warriors who fight the battles of the day, then come home to have their hearts calmed and muscles smoothed by their help-mate. For the partnership in facing the challenges that mirrors the partnership we have with You. For someone to love and be loved by.

And Lord, help us in these marriages. As we follow our warriors off to all kinds of unknown lands, give us strength and joy. As you bless us with children to raise, with homes to care for, with money to manage, give us wisdom. Always Lord, we pray for unity. Lord, teach us how to help each other more, to grow into the best you would have us be.

We pray for those who cannot be together this Christmas. Lord, guard their hearts and heal their wounds. Please be with our deployed and may they grow closer to You in this time.

We pray for the single soldier, Lord, hold them. Give them peace, patience, wisdom.

We pray for the unrest of our world. Please calm the tensions.

We pray for those traveling and PCSing. Lord please keep them safe.
We pray for those with homes to sell/buy/rent, and those looking for new places to make a home.

And always, Lord, we pray that our veterans’ hearts would not succumb to the spirit of suicide. May they be aware of Your pursuit. May they hold to hope and see Your glory around them.

Lord, may You be glorified in the offices, the motor pools, the hangars, the bridges, the FOBs. Please be the grace between in conflict resolution. Please control the egos and pride and may sacrifice prevail. May Your work be done.
Thank You, Lord, for loving us so–