Posts tagged with: #SundayPrayer

Giving the New Year to God

As we close out 2019, Tonia Gutting shares a prayer for giving the New Year to God. Giving the New Year to God by Tonia Gutting Lord God who makes......

Flourish in Faith in Every Season

As we look forward to a season of celebration at Christmas, Michelle Heib prays for us to flourish in our faith in every season for this week’s Sunday Prayer. Flourish......

Flourish in the Gift of Faith

For this week’s Sunday Prayer, Hillary prays for us to flourish in the gift of faith. Flourish in the Gift of Faith by Hillary Baggett   O Lord, you have......

Prayer for Military Children

As we prepare to enter into the Advent season, for this week’s Sunday Prayer Tonia offers up a prayer for Military Children. An Advent Prayer for Our Military Children by......

A Thanksgiving Prayer

For this week’s Sunday Prayer, Tonia shares a thanksgiving prayer for our Service Members. A Thanksgiving Prayer for our Service Members by Tonia Gutting For the beauty of the earth......

A Prayer for the Celebrations

In this week’s Sunday Prayer Michelle offers prayer for the celebrations of those who love Service Members. A Prayer for the Celebrations of Those who Love Service Members by Michelle......

Celebrate in Hard Times

For this week’s Sunday prayer, Hillary prays for God to inspire us to flourish even as we celebrate in the hard times. Flourish as We Celebrate in Hard Times by......

A Prayer for the Health of Our Warriors

Tonia prays for the health of our Warriors for this week’s Sunday prayer. What a privilege to be able to pray to the God who made every cell in our......

For a Flourishing Healthy Ministry

In this week’s Sunday Prayer, Hillary celebrates the anniversary of Planting roots by praying for a flourishing healthy ministry for all those who serve the Lord. A Flourishing Healthy Ministry......

Praying for the Wellbeing of Those Who Love Service Members

For this week’s Sunday Prayer, Michelle shares this prayer for the health and wellbeing of those who love service members. A Prayer for the Health and Wellbeing of Those who......