Bible Studies & Devotionals


Planting Roots

Finding Strength to Thrive in Military Life

As much as military life can be a fabulous adventure, it can also be a place where uncertainty feels normal, fear lurks, and community appears impossible.

We wrestle with questions like:

Why does Faith Matter?
What is my identity in Christ?
What does a faith-based community look like?
What is my God-given purpose?

Through this seven-week study, we find the answers to these questions and find the strength to thrive in military life.

Rise Up

Awaken the Leader in You

There is no up without a down. Life can be a roller coaster of events. Some news will crush you and bring you to your knees. Believe me, it’s the best position to be in if you want to rise up.

In this six-week study, you will dig deeply into each chapter of the historical book of Nehemiah, finding God’s faithfulness on every page and realizing that we all have a place at the wall. You will also examine themes such as prayer, integrity, leadership, justice, and worship. Content and application questions will help you mine the depths of this important book of the Bible.

Planting Roots is committed to creating biblical resources for that point women around the globe to Christ so they can plant roots of faith to thrive in military life.

Beyond Brave

Faith to Stand Firm in Military Life

Whether you are a seasoned Bible veteran or a new recruit to God’s Word, you will learn fresh concepts and God’s good plans for you to live in spiritual freedom.

With lessons and examples applied to military life, Beyond Brave will show you how to stand firm on God’s truth, even in the challenges of military experience.

Go beyond the battles you face today and be brave in the good fight of faith.

Growing Together

Strength To Persevere In Military Life

Bloom, where you are transplanted, is a reality of military life. So how do I make the best of my community? Grow where you are transplanted should be the military motto.

Using the book of Hebrews as a backdrop, we will explore issues such as spiritual drifting, encouragement, how to hold fast, and the need for intentional community. This 6-week study can be done individually, with a friend, or in a group setting. It is written by military women for military women. The truths spoken here, however, apply to all of us. We want this to be a tool and an encouragement to help you persevere in order to grow through the joys and challenges of military life.


Wherever The Military Sends You

Bloom where you’re planted. Great advice. But what does that even mean? What does the Bible say about flourishing?

Based on solid principles from the word of God, this study of Psalm 92 will teach you:

How to show gratitude when all you want to do is complain
How to praise God for who he is, not just what he does
How to spend time in God’s presence even when life is hard
How to love others when military life stresses you out and wears you down

Join us on a journey through Psalm 92 and begin to live the flourishing life Jesus promised.


Bible Bootcamp for Women

From Armed Services Ministry by ABS

Written by and for women in the military, this 45-day devotional booklet helps women understand the Bible. It includes 45 short, personal stories showing faith-forward examples from the lives of women in uniform, as well as military wives, family members, and retirees. This is a vital book for new believers and for those who want a better understanding of God’s Word. Designed for women on-the-go, each lesson is short and to the point.

Free to Be Brave Bible study for Christian military women

Free to Be Brave

Moments with God for Military Life

Whether you are a woman in uniform or a military family member, life in the military can be challenging. Free to Be Brave is moments with God written by military women for military women.

Discover the blessings when we live in Christ’s freedom to be brave, authentic, grateful, and expectant. Together let’s embrace our freedom and enjoy this military life!


Thriving Faith In Military Life

Does your military adventure leave you feeling more like you’re floundering than flourishing?
You are not alone. Military life brings unique challenges for both women in uniform and military spouses. The operational tempo and the stress of frequent transitions can leave you spiritually depleted. But God’s plan for you is far greater than simply surviving. He wants you to flourish. So how do you do that?

Through faith, God empowers us to live well in military life. It’s time to look forward with excitement and purpose to discover what God can do. Together, let’s embrace strength, hope, and freedom as we trust God with each step of our military journey.



Thriving Faith In Military Life

God made us to flourish, not simply survive. How is that possible in the midst of storms, drought and desert places of life, and military life specifically? Psalm 92:12 says “the righteous will flourish” if we’re “planted in the house of the Lord.” This plan helps us flourish in ALL of life as we learn to plant our roots in him.

The Military Trains Us, God Recreates Us

As women in the military, we can be tempted to find our identity in our career. However, when we place our faith in Jesus, we become new creations. No longer are we defined by the uniform we wear. Discover how Christ empowers us to live out our new identities through his Spirit residing in us.


A 7-Day Standard Operating Procedure for Loving God

As women of God, we are commanded to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves. The military similarly requires full devotion. When we begin to love the Lord in this way, we start to love ourselves more. This plan walks us through what it looks like to love the Lord in each of these ways practically and how they culminate into loving our neighbor as ourselves.

Seeing Jesus in Isaiah's Prophecy

What are you waiting on? Our lives are marked by seasons of waiting, especially in military life. You might be surprised to find that waiting is all part of God’s plan. Join us in this 25-day devotional for Advent, taking a look at the names of the Messiah in Isaiah 9:6. You’ll find joy and anticipation as only God could design, even in the waiting.