In this week’s Worship Wednesday post, Hillary talks about how surrendering her finances to God helped her break free from the fear prison money had put her in.
Money, Fear, Prison
by Hillary Baggett
Confessions of a chronic saver. I learned to get by with very little in my early formative years. Resourceful, frugal, creative, conservative, and then cheap were the labels various people gave me in my life over the last 40+ years.
If I had a low budget, I spent less. I saved. I waited and practiced delayed gratification. Doing without was a way of life for me. If you needed to plan a party on a shoestring, I was your girl!
Cheap Doesn’t Equal Content
As Paul teaches us in Philippians:
I have learned the secret to contentment, being happy with a little or a lot.
Not that I am speaking of being in need,
for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.
Philippians 4:11 ESV
In this context, “content” means self-sufficient. Well, I could DO self-sufficient. I learned to rely on myself. But I was misunderstanding the true context. This was not self-sufficiency in Hillary, but in Christ as allowing Him to take over my ”self.”
So, we saved. For over two decades, we saved, invested, and said no to the daily coffee, the eating whatever whenever. But, we were lacking joy. We were not allowing the discipline of saving and following a budget to bring us joy. The Lord mentions money 800 times in the Bible.
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.
It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith
and pierced themselves with many pangs.
1 Timothy 6:10 ESV
The LOVE of Money Created a Fear Prison
It is not that money is bad, but the LOVE of money – over relationships is the root/nourishment of evil. I learned this from the money couple: Bethany and Scott Palmer. Learning how to discuss money, and our different perspectives in a marriage is a key aspect to financial success. Are you a saver, security seeker, spender, risk taker, or flyer (fly by the seat of your pants and care more about relationships than money)?
Before we took this mini-class with the Palmers, we had just moved back to America after over 10 years overseas. The prices of hotels, food, buying a car, and a house all seemed to overwhelm us. Waiting for reimbursement 3 months later does not calm my anxious heart. The prices of EVERYTHING were so much higher than we expected.
Surrender Brings Freedom
And then, the Lord spoke to my heart, “when are you going to trust ME with those finances. When will you be free of that prison of not having enough, that fear of loss, having to trust ME to supply you with all your needs?” The truth is, I did not feel worthy of spending THAT much on a new car (even though 15 years had passed since my last car). And then, the dream house? How could we let go of that security of savings and investments?
I took these concerns, these heart cries to the Lord, and He said that He would bring me joy, He would sustain me. I just needed to let go! The song I will share – you may have heard that “Fear is a liar”. But, have you thought about the prison that the fear is keeping you in? This song “Fear is a Liar” by Zach Williams and attached video were filmed in Harding Prison.
Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart,
lean not on your own understanding,
in all your ways, acknowledge Him
and HE will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Prayer to Break Free from the Fear Prison
Dear Lord, I pray for the women out there in uniform, both married and single, as well as the wives reading this today. I pray for their joy and security to come from YOU, in finances, in following a budget, in giving to the church and charity, in giving their time and talents to their communities both in the U.S. and all around the world. Touch their weary and fearful hearts with Your peace and Your joy. Be their strength, Lord. We entrust these finances to You. We entrust You, with our everything! Free them from whatever physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual prison they are in – help them cast their fear into the fire.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.