One million eight hundred fifty-three thousand six hundred ninety. 1,853,690. Seems like a big number, right? It’s the number of female veterans in the United States today. While being......
How We’re Learning by Kori Yates Being an introvert by nature, sometimes this military life can be challenging. I move to a new duty station regularly and then have to......
As we hit our three-year anniversary here at Planting Roots, I wanted to share that very first blog post. This is the “why” of Planting Roots. This is what......
How We’re Learning by Kori Yates Growing up, I learned Scripture from the King James Version. As I got older, I found reading the New International Version was easier to......
One moment can change everything. We can all replay those moments in time that have forever changed our lives. Whether someone asked you to marry them, you rescued someone from......
How We’re Learning by Kori Yates The Sabbath has been a topic of conversation since Old Testament times. If you’re expecting a clarification of all of those discussions and definitive......
Movies tell a story. Heroism or heartbreak, victory or defeat, we love to watch stories, both imagined and true-to-life. Recently, some great movies have come out, and obviously some not-so-good.......
Courage. That’s what it takes to do what God has asked of me. It takes courage to step into the unknown, to set out on unclear paths, trusting His guidance.......
How We’re Learning by Kori Yates Studying a Specific Topic Sometimes my life runs in themes. Does yours do that? You know, when you read something in your Bible, a......
What am I going to do? I ask myself this question about this same time every year. It’s the middle of summer. Activities have slowed down a bit, we have......