For this week’s Thursday Prayer, join Kay Miller in this military marriage prayer today.
Military Marriage Prayer
by Katy Miller
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do in our marriages. Thank you for the grace upon grace you give to us, the love we receive from you, and the gift of your Word to guide us through marriage. May we seek you unceasingly as we walk the road of life alongside our spouses.
When the duties of service conflict with the responsibilities of marriage, may we be kind in our words, considerate of feelings and emotions, and genuinely care for one another’s needs. May our hearts be open to our spouses and always seeking you. Help us to give grace and forgiveness to our spouses, just as you have given us grace. Help us to remember that the joy of the years are filled with the graces of the day. That cold dinners, missed birthdays, and anniversaries celebrated apart do not mean less for the absence and can mean even more for the sacrifice filled with the same love. May our adversities bring us closer together and exponentially increase our faith in you, Lord.
Praying for a Stronger Bond
We come to you today asking for a stronger bond in our marriages, and unity when faced with the separations military life brings-deployments, schools, TDY. When we face the pain of separation, help us flee the temptation to turn to someone else and instead run to you. May we stand together as one in every situation we face. May we have the determination to set aside selfish desires, to pray when it seems hardest, and to seek You when we feel like the enemy is creeping in. Please help us to stand united in marriage, and united in our faith in you.
Father, we ask that we follow your example by putting our selfish thoughts and pride aside to humbly serve each other. May we look out for each other’s interests, and love each other as deeply as You love us. May our love for each other be an example of your love and how you gave your life for us. Both in times of separation and reunification. Help us to love one another anew.
Please protect our marriages and remind us that marriage is a gift, given by you. Please help guide us as we navigate through the best times, and the muddy times as well. May we remember that you are sovereign and just and that your will for us is greater than our will for ourselves will ever be.
In the precious name of your Son, Jesus, we pray.
For more encouragement on military marriage, visit our resources page.