Join Denise Jolly for this week’s Thursday Prayer as she prays for our growth through God’s Word.

Your Word Brings a Harvest of Growth 

by Denise Jolly


“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬




We delight that you have given us a way to always be attached to you. Your words are a wealth of love, wisdom, and knowledge. They are a gift we can relish in for all seasons, for all manners of growth and strength. Thank you, God that the Word establishing all of creation is the same Word sustaining us now. It is a constant comfort and will never fail us.


Today I pray for military women and wives who may be struggling to even hear your Word. I ask that you will break down those walls that separate her heart from yours as you’ve done over and over again. When the worries and pains of military life threaten to overwhelm, may your words pierce and heal heavenly Father. May your words be a great source of comfort and encouragement.

Seek Growth Through God’s Word First

I pray that the wisdom of your Word is what we seek first in the struggles of this military life–through the deployments, the missed meals and special moments, and the losses sustained in battle, and PCS. Your Word is the marrow from which we grow in times of separation and pain, as well as times of joy and reunion.


Father, I pray that your Word would be a beacon of hope to those who feel lost and without hope right now. That the lamp of your Word shines brighter than the dark we experience of this world. May we be mindful that your Word is not only instruction but truth. We can find all the answers to our questions in your words. May we delight in the correction, grow in the knowledge, and find strength in its truth. 

In your mighty Son’s name, we thank you. 


If you would like to ask the Planting Roots prayer team to pray specifically for your needs, you can submit your request on our Prayer Request page.