Please join Michelle in this prayer for parents and children as we head toward the summer months and seek to navigate the intricacies of military life.

A Prayer for Parents and Children 

by Michelle Hieb


Heavenly Father,

You are the perfect parent. You love us with unconditional love and are the perfect example of sacrificial giving. And You are grace, mercy, and discipline. Everything we need to parent the children you have given us we find in you and through you. As we enter into this summer season may we be mindful of the opportunity you give us through this time with our children.


Your Word tells us to teach our children your commands, to talk of them when we sit in our home and when we walk by the way, and when we lie down, and when we rise (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). Lord may we be diligent to do this in all things. As we PCS and comfort our children through deployments. As they change schools once again and say goodbye to yet another friend. And as they leave what is familiar. May we teach them through our own example when we grieve as those with hope, as we continue to find the new church home, persist in establishing new relationships, as we keep our own hearts open to what you have for us. May they learn to trust you with their hopes, fears, dreams, failures, coming and going.

Day by day, may they learn to hide your Word in their heart as they see us hide your Word. May they learn to be forgiving as we forgive them and ask for forgiveness when our words are sharp and our actions are unkind. 

Father, we pray for times of celebration this summer.

For service members to have opportunities for leave and R&R, for families to be united in fun activities that create lifelong memories and strengthen family bonds. Whether it be popsicles and sprinklers or traveling to see relatives. Or a special family trip to a much-desired location, may the laughter and joy be a delight to you.

Lord, as we ourselves seek friends and mentors, we pray that you will bring Christ-seeking friends and mentors into their lives to walk the path of life with them. We pray you will protect them from those things that would harden their hearts to you. May their hearts be soft to your Word that it may be fertile soil and produce good fruit in their lives.

Father, we ask for wisdom to guide them into understanding the gifts and talents you have placed in them. You knit them together, you know them more intimately than we ever will. We need your wisdom to navigate this world and culture we live in that seduces and draws children away from their parents.

May we act to protect them and always honor you, fear you, and bring glory to you.

We pray for protection over their hearts and minds. And we pray against the attacks and schemes of Satan who seeks to destroy them. May their young minds ever be protected against thoughts of suicide as you also protect those they love from contemplating suicide. May these children ever be filled with your hope and the peace that passes all understanding. 


It’s through the grace of Jesus Christ that we ask these things.


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