For this week’s Thursday Prayer, Denise encourages us to be stronger together in prayer so that our military community might be strengthened by the Lord.

Stronger Together in Prayer

by Denise Jolly



We are in awe of what you do when we come together in your name. 

May that strength and spirit in you continue to grow as we pray for one another and as we build community through prayer. 

May we be encouraged as your daughters as we come together for one another, to plead on our sister’s behalf. Keep us steadfast in our hearts that nothing is too small or too large for you, Lord. Delight in the trust we show when we come to you with it all, Father. 

Father, we ask for mindfulness to come to you with all our cares. We desire for prayer to be the first thing we think of when things look hard or in those moments of heartache. 

Father, we know that we grow together by prayer for one another.

In those moments we become our sister’s keeper and help carry the load. Please bless those prayers of healing and interceding. 

May our prayers encourage others to seek you and community with others, that there will be a movement among military installations and communities of prayer. No matter how timid the prayer may seem, Lord, let it reach the heavens with the power of your mighty name. 

Bless those who have hearts of prayer to encourage their sisters to also have hearts of prayer. Together they will raise up the next generation of prayer warriors. 

And lord when we don’t know what to say to you, Holy Spirit intercede and whisper the words that will bring deliverance through you. 

Father, we lift our voices united to pray against suicide in our ranks. May no service member or dependent act against their own life. Fill them with hope for the future. Amen.


“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Our Prayer Team considers it an honor to pray for you. If you have personal requests you can submit them through our Prayer Request Page.