Have you faced the crippling fear of rejection? You are not alone. For this week’s Monday Minute, Kelli shares some encouraging truths to help you fight the fear of rejection with faith.


The Crippling Fear of Rejection

by Kelli Baker


How many times have you passed up an opportunity for fear of rejection?


I will be the first to admit, this is one of my biggest fears. To be rejected feels like an attack on my personal identity, an attack on my character. Rejection makes me feel like I don’t measure up or I’m not good enough. Lysa Terkeurst, author of  Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely says, “Rejection steals the best of who I am by reinforcing the worst of what’s been said to me.”


However, we have a Savior who experienced rejection in ways we could never have imagined. He was spit on, ridiculed and mocked, tortured and abused. Because Jesus endured this spurning and his subsequent crucifixion to secure our salvation, he can sympathize with our rejection and suffering. Jesus speaking in John 15:18 says, “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.” Jesus knows exactly what it feels like to be rejected. 


Knowing Jesus faced rejection gives us hope that we, too, can endure. 


This should empower us and give us the strength to step out in faith and pursue what God has in store for us. The more we begin to step out on faith, the more our courage increases. Opportunities will begin to present themselves where we thought there would be no way. 


Last year, I applied for a position on the executive board of the local women of the chapel group. I had the qualifications for the Finance position and I felt that was where the Lord was leading me. The interview went very well. Then, they announced the five women who would serve on the incoming board of which mine was not one of them. Suddenly, my heart dropped into my stomach. During our Zoom meeting, I congratulated the women as we were in the midst of the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown. My face burned. Choking back tears, I had to separate myself from the meeting. 


While I wasn’t thrilled about serving in that specific position, I felt the Lord called me there. I had been in prayer and I fasted. This is where he led me.


Why God, did you lead me here to be rejected?


Through this rejection, other doors began to open. The Lord was preparing my way. I just could not see it yet. Had I dwelled in my hurt feelings for too long, I would have missed out on an amazing opportunity. 


Shortly after the board was announced, a sweet friend reached out and told me she was glad I didn’t get the position because I needed to apply for Planting Roots. So, after wiping my tears and licking my wounds, I began praying, “God, is this your will?” Only a few short days later, I took the step of faith and applied. The rest is history!


Isaiah 55:9 tells us, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” 


His ways are higher, praise God! He knows the future, I do not. God knew exactly what I needed in that season. I believe he wanted to show me he was in control. Maybe even testing me to see if I would be obedient or do it my way. 


While rejection never feels good, we can have peace knowing that Jesus felt the pain of rejection, as well. He endured rejection so that we could have peace knowing he overcame the world. Getting out of our own way can sometimes be the most difficult task, but it is there that the Lord shows us his mighty power and sovereignty in our lives. 


Rise Up 


Pray for discernment and for God to reveal his will for your life.


Submit to God’s plan for you and trust that he will work everything out for your good and his glory, including possible rejection. 


Step Out in faith. Have the courage to take the first step in obedience to what he is calling you to do.



Lord, thank you for your sovereignty. Thank you for your guidance. Lord, give us courage to step out in faith and do things that may scare us. Help us remember that you will see us through it, if you lead us to it. Amen.


For more encouragment about fighting the fear of rejection, visit these great articles.

Man’s Rejection, God’s Protection

How to Handle Challenging Military Friendships