Jennifer Wake walks us through lighting the first candle of Advent, the Prophecy Candle of “Hope”. The Prophecy Candle of Hope by Jennifer Wake Whenever I enter a church after......
Welcome to an Introduction to Advent. Jennifer shares with us the true reason we celebrate and the meaning behind the symbolism. This is one tradition military families can participate in......
We have two special guests for this week’s Monday Minute who are sharing about how God’s Word is Living and Active, just like PT. God’s Word: Living and Active By......
Join Tonia for this week’s Thursday Prayer in praying with Deuteronomy. Praying Scripture is a powerful discipline. Praying with Deuteronomy 6:4-7 (NIV) Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the......
In this week’s Monday Minute, Muriel shares with us how the discipline of meditation is for Christians, too. As military women we understand the power of discipline, so why do......
In this week’s Monday Minute, Andrea shares with us five practical approaches to the basics of Bible Study. May our curiosity about the things of God never grow dim. Basics......
Jennifer Wake shares about her experiences with saying no to God in this week’s Worship Wednesday. Can you relate? Saying No To God Here I am having another tantrum.......
For this week’s Monday Minute, Claudia shares with us how God has been cultivating a heart for prayer moment by moment. For those of us who long to pray without......
For this week’s Monday Minute, Jennifer talks about how true love bears burdens. God created us to do life together and has given us some specific instructions for what that......