In this week’s Sunday Prayer, Hillary prays for us to find stillness before God as we commit to trusting in the Lord during transitions.
Stillness and Trusting in the Lord During Transitions
by Hillary Baggett
Lord, being still is HARD. Trusting and letting go when this military or post-military life has us feeling so out of control and often paralyzed with fear. Lord, we lift up every person reading this message today. Lay your hands upon their hearts, their minds, and their schedules.Â
May stillness and surrender be the top priority of their to-do list.Â
And Lord, those of us in the military, both those in uniform and/or as supportive wives, sure do love our lists. Bless our finances, bless our marriages, bless our communication and conversations – the easy ones and the uncomfortable talks, bless our homes that they may be a safe haven during PCS (moves) deployments, TDY, geographical separations, and emotional distances when we are still in the same room.Â
Finances and Success Defined by God
In finances, help us see that we have enough, empower us by Your Holy Spirit to be fully content with what we have, to not be in want, to not covet what others have, to not wish we lived in their houses or drove their cars. Help us define our worth in You, O Lord, and not our bank accounts.
Flourish by Trusting in the Lord During Transitions
Help us to define our success in terms of obedience to Your call on our lives in this place where we are planted. Help us to Flourish in this life until we are called home to be with you. Help us be the light that draws others closer to You. Worry does not bring us into Your presence but keeps us separated from Your Perfect Peace.
We pray for the release of the financial burdens, any debt we owe into Your care, and You DO care about these details. Help us surrender the compulsion for shopping and the thrill of the deal unto You, O Lord, so that we can experience financial peace and freedom like never before. Grant us the discipline of self-control, of saving, of saying no to the little things that fritter away at our money. Show us how to get out of debt and to pay off those credit cards.
Most of all, keep pointing each one of us back to You, the Sovereign Lord, Creator of the Universe. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.