All posts by: Tonia Gutting

Praying through Isaiah

Let’s pray with verses from Isaiah for our warriors today. Please insert the name of a certain person, or group, into the blanks: Do you not know? Have you not......

Heavy Hearts

Lord, our hearts are heavy for our children for the preemie fighting for her life for the toddler who can’t control her emotions or words anymore for the school girl......

King of My Heart

A light more blinding than a million suns A power stronger than all the earthquakes or all the seas or all the rulers of this world A wisdom deeper than......

Lord, we want to know you.

Lord, we want to know You. We want to see You in the room when we’re exhausted and don’t think we can continue. We want to feel Your presence when......

Praying through Jeremiah

When our hearts are heavy, when the needs are many, when the words won’t come, You are there, dear Lord Jesus. And You give us the words to say. And......

Seek The Lord

I seek the gift, find instead the Giver, and eventually come away with the gift I no longer seek. My own emphasis in prayer has moved from petition to companionship,......

We will Trust You

Lord, when our warriors are by our sides, we will trust You. And when we don’t know where our warriors are, we will trust You. We will praise You when......

Deep love of Jesus

O the deep, deep love of Jesus, vast, unmeasured, boundless, free! Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me! Underneath me, all around me, is the current of......

God Of Joy

Oh Lord, God of joy soul-flying, heart-bursting joy, We pray for an outpouring of Your Spirit on this next generation. May they be joyful warriors for Your Kingdom May they......

Praying Ephesians 6

Praying with Ephesians 6 today: To You, the King, eternal, immortal, invisible, You are the only God; to You be honor and glory for ever and ever! You hold life......