Already Enough…Peace in the Midst of the Waiting

I don’t know about you, but the list housing my prayer requests is pretty long these days. Life, in general, just seems to be full of longing and hoping, asking and waiting. There are many needs lifted high as I strain for evidence of His hand, His answering, His providing, His redeeming. I know it will come, and in so many beautiful ways, it already has. Even in the tender spaces that are “not yet,” He is still so utterly faithful.

And yet, recently I heard a song that wafted a question I sadly hadn’t asked myself in a long time…

When was the last time I focused on the face of Jesus, instead of just the hand of Jesus?

When was the last time I took the liberty to thank Him for the abundance that already belongs to me and those I love? I have already been given so much and acknowledge that if He never did another thing for me, He wouldn’t owe me anything. In the astounding beauty and gift of giving all of Himself, He would have already given me more than enough.

It’s true–our inheritance and sonship through His sacrifice on the cross qualifies us for His continued provision and immeasurable grace. Indeed, every good and perfect gift He gives, He gives and gives again. He loves big and He loves abundantly. He loves for us to bring our hearts and desires before His throne, knowing what we need before we can form it on our lips to ask.

But I would be the first to admit–even as a pastors wife, worship leader, mother, daughter, neighbor, friend–I can get caught in the motions of the work of worship and service instead of the pleasure of simply adoring Him.

In the planning, in the praying, in the obeying, in the opening my hands, and the bending of my knee, in my asking and pleading I can forget to look up and simply thank Him for…Him. To simply adore…Him.

I love being a parent. Providing for, training up, and laying down my life for my kiddos is a pleasure and privilege I don’t take lightly. But I will confess that my most favorite moments in parenting are when my relationship with my children blossoms into beautiful and mutual friendship. The simple enjoyment of being with one another, laughing together, doing life…together. It is rich and every time it happens, our relationship with one another deepens.

I imagine, at least in part, that God feels much the same way when we spend time with Him, not just bringing our needs and wants before Him, but learning to just be with Him and appreciate His Presence. To be caught up in those holy moments and to give yourself permission and a space to just be with the Lover of your very soul.

Oh, how sweet and pure those first days in the garden must have been! The God and Creator of the very heart of Adam walking in the garden with Adam. I imagine them leaning in towards one another, Adam fixated and fully saturated with the intimacy and discovery of the heart of God for him and for His creation.

Just think about that for a moment… can you imagine the expression on God’s face as Adam learned something new about his Abba? I can. It makes me smile. Don’t you want to lean in, too, to the heart and face of God? I know I do.

I really think we have lost the art of returning to the Father just for the sake of being with Him and the sweet joy that He made a way so that we can. I am not sure what to do about that except to simply start returning. Making intentional spaces in the fray of life to just lift my eyes to the light of His face. I think, if we are honest, each of us could use a break from our hopes for what is ahead of us and simply ruminate in His Presence with us in the very moments of grace and goodness that we find ourselves, right here, right now.

Jesus. Nothing else.

This is where peace, in the midst of waiting and hoping, yearning and longing, comes from. Leaning back into the knowledge and assurance that He is already more than enough for anything you or I could ever face.

If He never did another thing for us, He would have already done enough.

The song I want to share with you today is a new release from Cody Carnes, entitled, “Nothing Else.” This song inspired this post, for sure…calling my heart to draw closer to His heart today. And may you be encouraged to take a step closer to His heart, too. You won’t be sorry you did.

With joy for the journey,
