Cracks and Grace

Brokenness is part of the puzzle. It’s part of this flesh package. And each broken piece, in the hands of our loving Savior, has the power to usher in peace.

Peace from broken pieces.

He knew it too. Intimately.

He suffered. He bore it all – even my ugliness and my not-enough-ness – and took it down into what looked like defeat. Even in death, victory was brimming, bursting at the seams to bring life. Isn’t that what He does? Surprise and stun, simplify and stupefy?

That’s what brokenness does. I can see that now. I am walking it now. And I can honestly say, “It’s gonna be ok.”

I heard someone say once that “the cracks are where the light gets in.” I think they were right. My brokenness, in the hands of my loving and sovereign Savior, is letting the light in. And that is always a good thing. And even better is the fact that I am not afraid of those cracks anymore.

Because if God can take the brokenness of the cross and bring such astounding hope, think of what He can do with our lives. The holes in His hands, in His side, and the brokenness of His body on that cross became the conduit for our wholeness. Holes…transformed into wholeness. Wow. Just WOW!

What could be more shocking and yet command our standing ovation than that? Can we even hope to wrap our brains around this mystery? Maybe we can’t. Maybe that’s not the point. At the end of the day, when all this world is stripped away, what will be left? Perhaps all we are asked to do and be is wrapped up in the words, “Hallelujah! All I have is Christ!”

The song I want to share with you today is from Sovereign Grace Music, off their live recording Gathering. The song is called, “All I Have Is Christ” and is sung by Erin Hill. Glory! The lyrics for this song are SPOT ON – sharing the gospel and the state of our hearts and source of our hope. Soooo good. Perhaps you need the reminder, today, that He is always enough. That the very places in your soul that feel cracked and worn may be the very same places in which He is preparing to pour great light, and ultimately, more of Himself. May you be reminded, encouraged, and deeply blessed today.

With joy for the journey,
