Work [wurk] – exertion directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil Labor [ley-ber] -productive activity, by a person or a body of persons. Today we celebrate Labor Day. A......
New Ears “Heal and restore me, God…” I whispered desperately. My plan and my body was falling apart. So, I spoke into that broken space and asked for what......
When Worry Doesn’t Work The orders came in. The bottom line wasn’t one we asked for. It certainly wasn’t on our “dream sheet.” I mean, seriously – why do they......
How We’re Learning By Muriel Gregory Making a good impression in a hostile world. 18 June 2002 is my American birthday. I remember the three hour drive with my......
How We’re Learning By Claudia Duff Free to be… Brave. BRAVE, is my *one word* for this year. At first glance it looks quite glamorous, but dig a bit......
What’s up girlfriends?! Today is “hump day” and we can see the finish line! Just put your head down, press in and keep moving forward. We got this. Now let’s......