Hillary kicks off this month’s focus on flourishing in parenting with this prayer of praise for parents and the comforting truth that we have a heavenly Father who is forever faithful no matter what we face in parenting.
Praise for Parents and Prayer for Healing for Soul Hurts
by Hillary Baggett
Dear Father God,
You are the first Father, you sacrificed your one and only Son, Jesus, because you loved us and wanted to give us eternal hope.
Lord, you are the example of parenting – love, discipline, presence, and wisdom.
We praise you for those loving parents, who seek your will for their children’s lives, who surrender control to you. For those who did their best with what knowledge and skills they had, grant forgiveness for the parents and the children. Protect all parents, grandparents, and future parents as well as their children for physical, emotional, and spiritual safety including attacks from the enemy.
Thank you for the sacrifice of time, money, and shared talents these parents have made. We praise you for the surrogate parents, the mentors, the adoptive parents who stood in the gaps and gave us glimpses of your glory, Lord.
Prayers for Parents Who’ve Failed
And, we ask for prayers for the parents who failed: abused, neglected, ignored, and controlled. Provide healing for them from the generational wounds that caused this pain. Specifically, we pray anointing oil of healing for those children who did not have loving parents or godly examples. Heal their soul hurts. Show them how to bravely share their stories to encourage more people that they are not alone. Ever. Our stories are what make us each unique, display your power and glory, Lord.
For those aching to become parents, we ask for your blessing, your timing, and your comfort no matter the answer.
A special blessing O Lord, for the parents whose precious child(ren) preceded them in death.
This goes against how we see the natural order of life called, Vilomah. But, you, Lord are with us AND with them, until the very end of the age.
Today, we break the strongholds and claim victory to live new lives with our eyes on you and your will in our daily walk.
Proclaiming freedom from the chains of generational depression, anxiety, addiction, divorce, spirits of criticism, and suicide in the Name of our Savior, Jesus.
Help our eyes stay fixed on Jesus, even when we are distracted, overcommitted, single parenting, and weary. Lord, you are our eternal hope. Grant us strength to endure, vulnerability to share, resilience to bloom, thrive, and yes, even FLOURISH!