The day of celebration has arrived, a day for which we’ve been waiting and anticipating!

As we’ve walked through the Christmas Devotional, Finding the Holy in the Holiday, we’ve seen glimpses of the people God has used, prophecies that foretold the New Testament events, and reminders of who the Christ child truly is.

We’ve seen the faith and hope of those from Isaiah to Simeon and David to Mary that have truly encouraged us to have faith and hope in the things yet to come.

Christmas is different for all of us.

Today, you may be full of hope and joy. It is a celebration in the truest sense of the word. For others, grief and heartache may overshadow your days. In these days, celebration is much more difficult as we wrestle with the “whys” and “what fors” of this season of life.

Regardless of where you are today, the peace, love, joy, and hope the Christ-child brought is still ours for the taking.

Merry Christmas is more than just a sentiment. The word “merry,” according to Billy Graham, “is from an old Anglo-Saxon word which sometimes meant ‘famous,’ ‘illustrious,’ ‘great,’ or ‘mighty.’ Originally, to be merry did not imply to be merely mirthful, but strong and gallant.”

Strong and gallant. I like that.

Christmas? Well, that word, according to Phil Vischer, “comes from the traditional Christ’s Mass, a special church service that celebrated Jesus’ birth.”

Putting the two together, it becomes a celebration that is not about us, but about the One who came to save us. It is a joyful time, but it is much more. It is a symbol of strength and hope for a world. Strength and hope that do not come by human hands, but from the Spirit and life of Christ himself.

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).

Words spoken to the shepherds that night are the same words He speaks to us today.

Unto YOU, a child is born.

Unto YOU, peace is given.

Unto YOU, joy is manifested.

Unto YOU, love is poured out.

Unto YOU, hope is alive.

So wherever you are this Christmas season, unto YOU a child is born.

Mighty Christ’s Mass, my friends. Merry Christmas. He is alive.


Quote from Billy Graham came from:

Quote from Phil Vischer came from: