Two of the most powerful words in any relationship, these two words can cross racial and ethnic boundaries, make fast friends of new acquaintances, build trust, and even allow us to breathe sometimes. Two words that mean someone else understands and knows what we are walking through because they are either there or have been there.
Two words that completely change a conversation.
I saw again first hand just a few days ago what those two words can mean.
While at a women’s conference, I had a friend see me from across the room and come find me. We hadn’t seen each other in months. She said hi, but then asked if I could pray for her as her husband had decided he wanted to leave and had asked for a divorce. I could see the hurt in her face and recognized it well, because, as you probably guessed, I could say “Me too.” So I did.
I said, “Me too.”
She looked at me in shock because what she knew of me was a wonderful marriage to an amazing man, but what she saw was not the whole story. I proceeded to share with her the story of my first husband. It’s not my favorite story to tell, but it is part of my story.
In these two words, I have learned that telling our story becomes a way of telling His. In our stories, we get to tell of God’s redemption, His love, His provision, His presence. We get to tell of God’s hope and grace as well as the truth of His promises. In telling our story, we have the opportunity to tell His.
When we tell His story, the door is opened for the Lord to work. Not only do they start to see what can be and who He is, but He also uses those moments to remind us of what He has done in us, the story He has written in our lives.
Mind you, I don’t think sharing our dirty laundry with the world is a good idea. But when God brings an opportunity to tell of what He has done in us to encourage and help another who is walking a similar path, we should step right in and do just that. The look on my friend’s face when she knew I could understand and had experienced those feelings of anger, hurt, fear, and confusion was worth the telling of that story again.
Truth be told, it’s a great story because God took what I thought to be the ugliest part of my life and made something beautiful. He has done far more than I could ever have imagined fifteen years ago.
These words come into play so many times.
“We have another deployment coming.” “Me too.”
“We are PCSing again.” “Me too.”
“I’m struggling with parenting.” “Me too.”
“I wish I could be near my loved one who is sick.“ “Me too.”
“I feel so lonely.” “Me too.”
[bctt tweet=”Me too. Two of the most powerful words in a conversation.” username=”strength2thrive”]So today, keep your ears open for opportunities to say, “Me too.” Your two words could change your relationship with those people, but even more importantly give you a chance to share once again who God is and all that He can do. You are a testimony. One God intends to use.