The Deep, Abiding, Unfathomable Love of God


Facing the Paradigm

I love fairy tales. Wrapped up in the blanket of those certainties, I admit that I crave a happy ending. I want to know that good always wins and happily ever after is an option that belongs to me. There is evil, sure, but deep down inside I know that what they are banking on will come up short and my hero will be victorious in every way that matters.

Yup, I will watch that kind of movie over and over (and over) again. Actually, I seek them out. I can predict the story line, but that’s ok. I like it that way. There are just some things in which I crave the certainty of knowing it will all work out in the end.

Truth is…if I really wanted to be honest (you know I do), I would have to admit that there are questions in this life that I just don’t always have a neat and tidy answer for.

There are some story lines that have unfolded with a scenario that doesn’t even remotely resemble those fairy tales. And if you were being honest (I hope you will) you could probably unfold some of the same questions…or disappointments.

I have lived some of them and have walked with others who are still walking through some of the darkest days of their lives. I can’t pretend I understand it all or that I can explain it in a way that will soften or deaden the reality of that kind of suffering.

But here is what I do know…

There is a profound goodness to God that can’t be quantified by measuring the hurt and the hard.

This kind of measurement can only be unearthed by coming through the dark and into His marvelous light. I don’t know why bad things happen except to reflect that depravity and the fallen nature of mankind is palpable and undeniable. But yet, His goodness is infinitely more persistent than any suffering could threaten.

All you have to do is linger for a lifetime on the character traits of God to catch a glimpse of how patient, how utterly kind He has already been to us. He sees it all, friends. All of it. Not just the hard, the painful, and the breaking, but the beauty, the saving, the enduring, the exquisitely intimate love for us.

Dear ones, He never loses sight of your heart. Never.

And yes, we may endure much crushing throughout our days, but oh, the love of God that meets us in that familiar place with an understanding that only He could boast.

He is not afraid of your dark spaces. His character and goodness will meet you right there. He may not save you from hardship, but His goodness promises to save you through it. One way or another, He is present. He is still on the Throne and His love for you (and me) is undiminished, unfettered, and unchained.

His kind of love is unashamed to stand by you, come for you, fight for you…die for you.

The song I am sharing today is quickly becoming one of the most beloved songs out there in contemporary worship. Recently, I watched an interview with Cory Asbury, where he shared the story behind this song. Cory explained that two incidents in his life played a huge role in penning the lyrics and heart of this song.

The first, the birth of his son. He shared that his understanding of the love of God was totally challenged and changed when he looked into the eyes of his own son for the first time.

The second incident involved his second child, a daughter. During some health complications, she stopped breathing for a time. Whether she would live or die was a question no one could answer.

It was in this awful space that Cory confessed he came face to face with his own deep insecurities regarding the love of God. He spoke of crying out, watching his wife and daughter suffer, and how he chose to walk boldly into the presence of God and identify those cracks and broken pieces.

And God met him there. He was there.

Hard things have a way of drawing out what you truly subscribe to, don’t they? Fairy tales don’t have that kind of power…or grit. But life sure does.

And He meets us there right smack dab in the middle of it and loves us like only He can. His love for me and His Presence with me is a certainty I can count on. You can, too. Every time.

This song, “Reckless Love,” is looking this God-sized kind of love in the eye and calling it what it is. Overwhelming. Never-ending. Reckless. It absolutely is….every time.

“O the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless Love of God
O it chases me down, fights ’til I’m found leaves the ninety-nine
I couldn’t earn it, I don’t deserve it

Still You give Yourself away
O the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless Love of God”


Chorus lyrics to “Reckless Love,” by
Caleb Culver | Cory Asbury | Ran Jackson
f© Watershed Publishing Group (Admin. by Watershed Music Group)
Bethel Music Publishing, Richmond Park Publishing
CCLI #11531189


So, if you are finding yourself in a place that is wondering about the validity of His love for you, go ahead and ask Him. If you don’t know already, He will meet you in that unsure place and answer your questions and hesitations with a resounding

“Yes, beloved…I do love you!”

Go ahead and ask. He is not intimidated by your ranting or your questions. Matter-of-fact, I am pretty sure He longs to answer them deep within your heart. I know He has been answering mine. So, go on and challenge those paradigms and bring them to the One who will always be the True hero of our still unfolding story.

This song and video is long, but oh, so worth the listen. Truly.

With joy for the journey,
