In this week’s Sunday Prayer, Hillary draws our eyes to the renewal God works in his creation this time of year to inspire us to seek him to renew hope in our hearts.
A Prayer to Renew Hope                  Â
by Hillary Baggett Â
We celebrate, Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! This is spring and we praise you!
This time of year is about the hope and renewal we have in Jesus. We see the flowers pushing through the soil after a long winter. Renewal!
Lord, when praise and thanksgiving do not come easily to our minds or mouths, we can look outside to marvel at your creation!
When we forget the blessings you have bestowed upon us, may our lips remember to give thanks and praise!
We lift our voices in song, we dance with joy and abandon for the Lord is risen! The God who created us, who loves us, and who will NEVER leave us or turn his back and forget us. Lord, sometimes your works, your Word, and your creation are too wonderful for us to fathom.
Reverant Praise to Renew Hope
We stand in awe of you, Lord and we bow down in reverent praise.
We stand firm in our faith, proclaiming your truth and faithfulness and we claim your strength and not our own.
Bless those reading today. Give them a tangible presence in the flight of a bird, the gentle breeze, and stillness in their hearts that can only be YOU, Lord! Only you!
We pray against the hopelessness, emptiness, and sadness that can be at the root of the spirit of depression and suicide. We speak life into these sisters, that they may seek help, receive that help, and give you ALL.THE.GLORY.
Lord, for many of us, it has been a long year. Renew our hope in you. Alleluia, Jesus Christ, our Savior not only died to take away our sins but HE.IS.RISEN so that we might have hope to get through the day, the week, or the year.
In Jesus Name, we pray. Amen.