Kayla Atkins comes from small-town Kansas. Born and raised in a musical family, at the age of 2 she was put on a stage with a microphone in her hand, and the rest is history. Kayla toured and sang with her family growing up and later branched out on her own solo career. She is a military spouse of 17 years with two daughters, a son and a granddaughter. Kayla has served as worship leader for PWOC at multiple installations in the states and overseas and has been a guest worship leader for several retreats and conferences as well as various churches and/or other ministry opportunities. She released her latest album “Rhythms of Grace” a few years ago as a tool to share stories and life lessons from the heart. Currently, she serves as Worship Coordinator at the Chapel in Fort Leavenworth, KS, as well as holding the same position with Planting Roots Ministries.
Kayla can be reached at worship@plantingroots.net.