How Great Is Your Love
He nailed it. I just stood there blinking, struck by the simplicity, wowed by the enormity. I heard it loud and clear. The walls of my heart contracted and expanded in a mighty exhale as I took it all in…
“Think about your highest mountain, your biggest fear, your grandest challenge…His love is greater.”
It is. It was then. It is now.
The love of the Father for His Beloved Bride is not measured in scales we can comprehend. It is measured in blood. It is measured by sacrifice. It is weighed by the hands of the One who holds it all and is the Author of all life…of our lives. And He reached down and took hold of us. He sees us. He knows us. He pursues us.
Today, I just want to share the new song out from Passion Band entitled, “How Great Is Your Love.” It is simple, yet profound in its message. And it is the message that echoes in the valley and washes over the mountaintops. His love, nailed to a cross – the grandest expression of sacrificial love – is so powerful. I pray that as you listen, you will be inspired to dig deeper into His love for you, His great pleasure in you and His extravagant delight to call you His own.
Remember – “Think about your highest mountain, your biggest fear, your grandest challenge…His love is greater.”
Amen and amen.
With joy for the journey,