How We’re Learning by Liz Giertz Worship. Our founding fathers established this country ensuring people would be free to worship as they saw fit. As a soldier, I swore an......
How We’re Learning By Claudia Duff grate·ful /ˈɡrātfəl/ Adjective: feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful. November–the month where everyone seems just a bit happier than usual. For me,......
How We’re Learning By Kori Yates Friends in our military world are many. We have friends who are friends for a season and friends who are friends for life. We......
How We’re Learning By Muriel Gregory Who is my sister? The mood was light. The view outside the window was simply breathtaking. The clouds had cleared and we had an......
Redefining Spaces About three years ago, our family changed. I changed. The diagnosis caught each of us a bit off guard. We had our rhythm and we liked it......
How We’re Learning By Muriel Gregory Heart Disease The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9 Heart disease is the leading cause......
How We’re learning by Larissa Traquair There couldn’t be another topic that gets me more excited than sharing about being GR8TFUL for friends. See, gratitude is my jam. It is......
How We’re Learning by Kori Yates We stood in the kitchen and I was stinking mad. Things had just not worked like I had planned that day. I shared my......
“My husband is going TDY tomorrow. He’ll be gone for 3 weeks,” she told me as her three kids ran around the room. Her statement was matter of fact, but......