Lord, we can ask “why so much ugliness in the world?”
But, like Ann Voskamp points out, we can also ask “why so much beauty?”
Why the colors of the peacock’s feathers?
Why the curve of the swan’s neck?
Why the purple of the iris, the yellow of the daisy, the baby pink of the rose?
Why the movement of the clouds?
the twinkling of the lightning bug?
the depth of a baby’s eyes?
You are the creative Creator!
You bless us with endless beauty
simply for our pleasure
simply because You love us.
And though we could ask why the hard times in this military life,
the deployments
the separations
the frustrating work environment
the difficulties of moving,
Instead help us dwell on how You have blessed us with the good things:
The friends who become family
The adventures we have around the world
The times You have protected our warriors
The opportunities our kids have had
The corners of America we have come to love.
We thank You for the roof over our heads
the extravagant food on our plates
the medical care
the security.
May we remember our blessings, and live as people knowing we are loved.
Forgive us when we get so wrapped up in our little lives, we don’t see You at work.
And we ask for Your continued blessings.
Guide our steps, Lord.
May we use the gifts You have given to bless others. Show us how and where, God.
Heal our hearts when we are missing loved ones. We weren’t made for separation. Yet You send great people when we need it most.
Strengthen us and teach us in the hard times.
May we find our identity in You.
Give us the words to encourage our children, our spouse.
Be the grace between us in our families.
Please help us with the houses that need sold/rented/found. Give us wisdom for all the many decisions that go into making a home.
We pray for the mommas setting up new lives in new areas.
We pray for the mommas planning their homeschool year.
We pray for those who are waiting for babies and adjusting to little ones.
We pray for those who are just trying to keep young ones alive.
We pray for those navigating the teenage kids’ waters.
We pray for those preparing to minister to others.
We pray for those gearing up to teach this year.
We pray for the lonely
We pray for the overwhelmed
We pray for the hurting
We especially pray for the mothers, the wives, the loved ones of our fallen. Lord, hold them close in Your arms.
Please give the wives of the wounded an extra measure of Your grace and patience.
May we all be the right helpmate our husband needs. May we encourage, challenge, support.
Make us strong warriors in Your army, Lord! May we be fierce in faith, persistent in prayer.
Lead us on! Amen.