My legacy.

We all long deep within our soul to be remembered for good or even great things after we leave the planet. From famous missionaries to biblical patriarchs, we tell of their deeds and accomplishments. We remember those who have given their lives for things we love and promise not to forget their sacrifices. Then we wonder if people will remember us.

I know, not remember us, but remember our deeds, the things we have done for the Lord.

We want to impact the lives and even the eternities of people because of our faithfulness to the One.

Whether in the lives of our family, friends, or even strangers, we simply want to make a difference.

Truth be told, the legacies we remember were made by ordinary people. People who made mistakes, who sometimes didn’t feel like following the Lord—ordinary people, just like me.

When I think of the legacy I will leave, what my life will look like in the frame of history, I get overwhelmed. I want to be faithful, with my whole heart for my whole life, but know without a doubt that I will fail. A legacy is so big. It’s a life, oh my.

But God is gracious.

He is not asking me to be concerned about a life. He is asking me to be concerned about today.

One of my favorite quotes is from Helen Keller. She said, “I long to accomplish great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty and joy to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble.” Humble tasks, the tasks of every day in ordinary life put together are what build a life of faith. Much like building with Legos, it takes hundreds of little pieces to build something really cool. So what do I do today?

Today, the Lord wants obedience and courage from me. Today, He wants me to do the things He has called me to and do them with my whole heart. Today, He wants me in wholehearted surrender to Him – to be ALL IN.



History will take care of itself. The Lord will take care of my legacy because, Lord willing, my legacy will be about Him. They may not write volumes about my amazing life or print my name in history books. But if one person’s eternity is changed because I did what the Lord asked today, then it is forever worth it.

Today, I am ALL IN.

If Christian military women from Korea to Kansas and Germany to Georgia all did what God called us to today, we could truly impact an entire globe for Christ. I’m ALL IN – are you with me?

Kori Yates loves adventure. Her former life as a Marine and ongoing stint as an Army wife has given her just that. Desiring to bring together Christian military women and impact a globe for Christ, she has helped launch Planting Roots. Through events, online Bible study, and a social media community, their prayer is for revival among military women. Kori is also an author (Olive Drab Pom-Poms) and speaker, as well as a homeschooling mom of two amazing kids and wife to one awesome Soldier.


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