Colossians 3:23-24 says, “Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men, knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from the Lord. You serve the Lord Christ.”
These are my seven-year-old son’s favorite verses. I don’t know if he actually knows what they mean or if he is just excited that he knows them and so this is what he quotes. Either way, my prayer is that these words sink into his heart . . . and in to mine.
I read these words again today. This week I have spent a lot of time praying and pondering about the things God would have me to do in this season. So many “good” things, but I don’t want good. I want best.
I want to do the things God has called me to do – no more and no less.
I believe God is an intentional God, placing us where we are on purpose. He has something for each of us to do in this place for this time. I want to find mine.
In my heart, I long to do grand and noble things and sometimes miss the things of God because I’m not looking for those “smaller” things that are just as important. There are no greater or lesser callings, no bigger or smaller assignments. Lives and legacies are built on the obedience of today, regardless of how small. I need to be reminded sometimes.
One of my favorite quotes is from Helen Keller. She said, “I long to accomplish great and noble things, but it is my chief duty and joy to accomplish humble things as though they were great and noble.” That is where I want to be.
Back in Colossians it says, “whatever you do, do it enthusiastically.” The NIV says, “do it with all your heart.” Today I saw it.
We can do five million things, and some of us try, but it’s more about heart than objective. We are not seeking jobs, responsibilities, or objectives. We are seeking Jesus from wherever we are.
In the place where we are, we each have a calling, a mission, an assignment. We all have something(s) God has put us in this place to do. Being a spouse to our husband if we have one, mom to our children if we have those, and loyal and dedicated to our jobs if that’s where we are, God calls us to these things as well. In addition, it can mean talking to our neighbor, helping someone at the commissary, or loving the person next to us in the pew.
Some of us have recently transitioned. We have yet to find the things He has called us to here. But whether we have recently transitioned or not, I say we seek again. I want us to open our eyes and hearts to the mission and the calling He has given us in this place. Some of those callings we might view as quite humble, but I know some heroes of the faith who thought they were just doing humble things too.
As you have read through today, you have seen pictures of my mission field, my calling where I am. I have had to ask God again, “What is it that you would have me do – and to what do I need to say no?” I am going to challenge you with the same questions.
In the next few days on our social media outlets, our team will share pictures of their mission field. As you seek Him this week again, will you share your mission field with us? Are you out training in the field, do you work from an office, do you teach a Bible study, maybe you coach tball or volunteer? What has God called you to? You can share with us on facebook, twitter or instagram. You can use #prmission. Can’t wait to see what God is doing with you!
Kori Yates loves adventure and her ongoing stint as an Army wife has given her just that. Desiring to bring together Christian military women and impact a globe for Christ, she has helped launch Planting Roots. Through events live and online, their prayer is for revival among military women. Kori is also an author (Olive Drab Pom-Poms) and speaker, as well as a homeschooling mom of two amazing kids and wife to one awesome Soldier.