Today Morgan Farr introduces our theme for April on our Faith Full Friday series: The Month of the Military Child!
Faith Full Friday: Month of the Military Child
by Morgan Farr
The Bible tells us in Psalm 127:3 that “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”
Children are incredible.
My four kids amaze me with how they adapt to military life.
My kids are 8, 6, 4, and 2 years old. The four of them were born in three different states in just five years.
They have experienced the fun of PCSing, TDYs, and all that military life offers.
We have been stationed in sunny San Diego and historic Philadephia. We have done unit studies on the ocean while swimming in the Pacific, and now we are learning Texas history while stationed in San Antonio.
They have taken each move in stride, learning and adopting new traditions as the military has thrown us curveballs. With April being the Month of the Military Child, my family takes a particular interest in honoring the experiences of our military children.
The same is true of the staff here at Planting Roots.
We have women on our staff who grew up in military families, making them military kids themselves. And many of the women on staff have children that are (or have been) military children.
So this month, we will talk about military kids on our Faith Full Friday series.
Be sure to check back each Friday this month for stories, a recipe, and a letter for military children.
Note and Resources
- Read our Faith Full Friday series here.
- Join us on the Deeply Rooted Podcast here.
- Want some parenting resources? Check here and here.
- If you have any questions or want to know more about these topics, contact us via email or social media!