Hillary Baggett loves learning, outdoor adventures, embracing new challenges, and discovering unique solutions to everyday tasks. She is an energetic introvert and intensely focused, service-oriented extrovert, rolled into one. With a heart for prayer, passion for helping others, and love for connecting with and encouraging other women who have survived and thrived the military life, she is determined to be obedient to God’s will.
Married for over 20 years to a retired United States Marine, Hillary is also the proud mom of a daughter, son, and the cutest puppy in the world. As an Occupational Therapist and provider of CranioSacral Therapy, she utilizes her problem-solving skills to help people of all ages achieve independence in their daily lives as well as balance in body, mind, and spirit.
When she is not plugging through the endless to-do list that comes with a busy family and living overseas for ten of the last eleven years, she enjoys bouldering, traveling the world, listening to TED talks, cooking awesome meals, and chilling with the dog—and usually finds herself trying very hard to remember where she left the latest to-do list.