Skills: I have worked with a women’s ministry,PWOC, for over 30 years in various capacities of leadership. I have mentored many young women over the years on a one-on-one basis and have desired to pass to the next generation a love of Jesus. My husband and I are associate staff with the Navigators and have had a Bible Study in our home for most of our 21 years in the Army and since we have retired. I love the ministry that Planting Roots has of serving our military women. I consider it a privilege to encourage those on staff and the Board.
Past Experience:Â I taught special education for 4 years in a elementary school setting.
I have been President, Vice-President of Spiritual Life, Vice-President of Programs, Treasurer for the local level and the first National level, Worship leader, Hospitality, and Childcare Liaison for the Protestant Women of the Chapel. I currently serve as the Titus II advisor. I have taught Bible studies for PWOC.
I assist my husband in his Pediatric Dental Office as his personal secretary and support the staff in various ways.
Military Experience: We joined the Army in June of 1979 and retired in December of 2000.
We were privileged to serve at Fort Gordon twice, Fort Campbell, San Antonio at UTSA doing a dental residency, Augsburg Germany, Fort Benning, and Darmstadt, Germany.
Personal Statement of Christian Faith: I am a preacher’s kid so I have been in church since I was 3 weeks old. I knew lots of the right language for Christians and was even President of my youth group but still didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus. When I was 17 I was reading through the Bible for no apparent reason other than to say I had done it. After I graduated I was working at a snack bar and my friend and I went for dinner after work one day. I told her some things I was struggling with and she said she would put it on her prayer list. I asked her what that was and truly had no idea what a prayer list was. She explained that she wrote down prayer requests and then prayed about them and when God answered she dated and wrote down the answers. I was in the book of John at the time and one night I read John 14:6 which says, “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” That night I asked Jesus to be the way, the truth and the life in me. I had a mentor who then helped me to get started. I went on to college that fall and got involved in several campus ministries that helped me to continue to grow.