Monday Minute with God: What I’m Learning by Kori Yates


When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13)


When I went to Officer Candidate School, ordinary was good.


  • Candidates learn pretty quickly that the more you blend in, the easier life will be.
  • Bright pink nail polish? Not a good idea.
  • The last one to come in on the run? Not a good idea either.


Even things that can’t be controlled like naturally curly hair that doesn’t fit under a cover (hat) or height that puts one a head above the rest aren’t helpful either.

Photo by: Lance Cpl. Yasmin Perez, USMC, Quantico, VA. Photo from:


What I’m Learning

Ordinary can be good, but ordinary isn’t what I’m going for.

Reading the Bible, I am inspired by people who did great and noble things: leading nations, conquering armies, lion’s dens, and building walls. Definitely not ordinary.


Great and noble things that changed the course of history…and then it’s time to unload the dishwasher or send another email or stand in one more formation. Moments when my life and my legacy seem to look just like everyone else’s. Not my idea of extraordinary.


Then I read Acts 4. Peter and John stood and testified to their faith in the face of lots of opposition. Amazing, right?


The part that speaks to me today, though, is the next verse. The one that points out that Peter and John were unschooled, ordinary men. Ordinary.


There’s that word again. It’s what Scripture called them, but there was one small difference.


Their courage was noted.


They brought amazement. They became extraordinary, not because of a college degree, amazing fashion sense, or even dignified demeanor. The people listening recognized that they had been with Jesus.


They had been with Jesus – it’s that one phrase that took them from ordinary to extraordinary. It’s the same thing that will make the difference in me.


How I’m Learning

Consult a commentary. In looking at this one verse, I checked out Mathew Henry’s Commentary on just to see what he had to say. His perspective adds insight that spurs me on. This is a note from Henry’s insights:


“Those that have been with Jesus, in converse and communion with him, have been attending on his word, praying in his name, and celebrating the memorials of his death and resurrection, should conduct themselves, in every thing, so that those who converse with them may take knowledge of them that they have been with Jesus; and this makes them so holy, and heavenly, and spiritual, and cheerful; this has raised them so much above this world, and filled them with another..”


Such words make me long for others to see Jesus in me.


Think About It

The Lord continues to teach me that education and learning are good. Noble pursuits in and of themselves are good as well. The desire to leave a legacy of obedience and courage is something my heart truly longs for, but He reminds me that it is not of my own doing that I get there.


My time in communion and conversation with Jesus makes the difference. Jesus takes my ordinary-every-day and turns it into an extraordinary legacy.


My time with Jesus is the key component in the legacy I leave.


Have you spent time with the Lord today? How do you make this time a priority in your life?


All In: Time with Jesus turns my ordinary-every-day into an extraordinary legacy.


Pray About It

Lord, help me to make time with you my first priority above all else. I pray that as we commune and converse together that you will change me. You know, Lord, I long to be extraordinary. May you be extraordinary in me.


Kori Yates loves adventure. Her former life as a Marine and ongoing stint as an Army wife has given her just that. Desiring to bring together Christian military women and impact a globe for Christ, she has helped launch Planting Roots. Through events, online Bible study, and a social media community, their prayer is for revival among military women. Kori is also an author (Olive Drab Pom-Poms) and speaker, as well as a homeschooling mom of two amazing kids and wife to one awesome Soldier.

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