Thirty years ago, I took the Oath of Office and was issued my first military ID card. I have spent my entire adulthood carrying some version of that military ID card. At first, my ID card was active-duty green (yes, I’m dating myself here). Changes in rank were followed by changes in weight and hair color. Later, my green ID card was exchanged for a brown one of “dependent spouse”. Then again, the status of my husband changed from active-duty to retired, and now I wonder if my height is shrinking!

During these changes within the military community, one thing has remained the same. I have a desperate need to be in relationship with God. I have grown in my faith because I have needed to dig deeply into the Bible during struggles familiar to military women. I have been supported during the stormy weather by friendships with other military women. And I have been able to raise my hands high with shouts of praise to the heavens as I have been blessed by this community of Christian military women! I am looking forward to planting roots with you!

Kristin can be reached at: