Camp Humphreys Scatter & Sow

Enjoy fellowship while drinking coffee, watching a movie, and testing some Korean skincare products! The movie is Christian historical fiction and you can view the trailer here: Date: Fri. June 23, 1730 What: Coffee, Movie & Korean Skincare! Cost: Free Location: Into the Forest Cafe just outside Camp Humphreys POC: Monica Guthrie & Kori...

Colorado Springs Scatter & Sow

Trail walk on the Santa Fe Trail which is flat and made of gravel followed by a potluck picnic with post-walk snacks. RSVP is optional. Reach out to us with any questions! Date: Fri. June 30, 0830-1030 What: Trail Walk on USAFA (US Air Force Academy) Cost: Free Location: Primary POC: LeAnn Carpenter Alternate POC:...

Fort Campbell Scatter & Sow

Enjoy fellowship with other military women and wives while Planting Roots treats for your treat! Date: Thur. September 28, 1900-2030 What: Dessert Cost: Free Location: Bahama Buck's, 2029 Tiny Town Rd Suite A, Clarksville, TN 37042 POC: Stephanie Ward,