God who sees: who sees the little boy in the Chinese orphanage who sees the little girl hiding under her bed who sees the tiny fingers uncurling in the womb......
How We’re Learning by Ginger Harrington Free from the past Four years ago a few women met to talk about big dreams, casting a vision for the future. With......
The Sound of Surviving There’s a picture in my mind that just doesn’t match up with the life I find myself living. This picture resembles a movie clip from Wonder......
My son’s alligator tears soaked the navy blue pillow case and his sobbing shook the bed, as I tried to comfort him to sleep. We were about to PCS......
Like usual, it happened during worship. The Lord used the proverbial 2’x4’ board whack upside my head, the weapon of choice when I’m being really stubborn. I had a thought......
Do you ever have trouble sleeping because your mind is so busy or because of lurking fears? My husband is the “close the house up before bedtime” guy, and when......
We were just about the only ones there. We had gone to the post pool, but this Kansas spring has been pretty cool. Most people were not crazy enough to......
Got Heaven’s Perspective? When we finally got our PCS orders, and had to move in a month to beautiful Colorado we had no idea the gift we were given. We’ve......