For this week’s Monday Minute, Liz shares what to do when you don’t feel like celebrating. Flourishing when Festivities Don’t Feel Fun by Liz Giertz I don’t know about you,......
For this week’s Monday Minute, we are thrilled to have guest Kelli Baker share with us these three steps for flourishing despite our feelings. Celebrating Peace in the Midst of......
For this week’s Sunday Prayer, Hillary shares this beautiful prayer to flourish in health. May all military women flourish with healthy minds, bodies, hearts, and souls. Flourish in Health for......
How We’re Learning by Andrea Plotner What types of things cause anger or anxiety to rise up within you? The story I’m about to share sounds comical now, but had......
Each of us who has served or is serving had to go through boot camp. My first-hand experience of going from civilian to military life happened in the summer......