Join Publishing Director Morgan Farr as she explores the detrimental effects of pornography use in her article Sexual Health: Porn, Problems, and Personhood.

Sexual Health: Porn, Problems, and Personhood

by Morgan Farr 

Today I will talk about both sides of the porn issue: women whose partners use porn and women who struggle with porn. In a world inundated with digital content, military women face unique challenges in maintaining sexual integrity. One particularly insidious threat is the widespread availability of pornography. As followers of Christ, it’s crucial to recognize the dangers that pornography poses and what to do to stand against the onslaught. 


The internet age has brought with it unprecedented access to explicit sexual content. 

For military women who often endure long deployments or periods of separation, the temptation to seek solace in pornography’s instant gratification may arise. 

However, indulging in such material undermines the principles of purity and self-control that the Bible advocates. 1 Corinthians 6:18 (ESV) warns us to, “Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.” As Christian military women, we must strive to honor our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, resisting the allure of instant gratification that pornography falsely promises. Pornography use doesn’t occur in a vacuum; its consequences ripple through our lives and relationships. 

Prickly Problems

The ramifications of pornography use are often underestimated in modern society. Let’s talk about some reasons to stay away from porn.

Paltry Substitute 

For those in the military, maintaining strong connections with loved ones is essential, given the demands of service. It doesn’t matter if you are married, dating, or single. Using pornography erodes trust and genuine intimacy. 

Porn creates unrealistic expectations and can lead to dissatisfaction in genuine relationships. There are filters, lighting, edits, and a lot of acting. Much of that doesn’t translate to sex with your spouse, and you wouldn’t want it to. Porn also hinders our ability to forge deep connections founded on love, respect, and mutual understanding. And let me just say, it is a terrible substitute for a healthy vibrant sex life. 

Instead of seeking fulfillment in fleeting fantasies, we’re called to cultivate a real relationship that honors God. When we do this, it also strengthens the bonds of camaraderie, friendship, and love. If you are struggling with pornography use, please reach out to us and will join you in prayer. You are not alone! 

Pollution From Your Partner 

When you find out that your spouse has been using pornography it rips the ground out from under you. You may feel surprised, hurt, and insecurity. Conflicting emotions of anger and sadness might arise, accompanied by a sense of inadequacy. Questioning the intimacy and trust in your relationship is perfectly normal. 

Conversations about this discovery are sensitive and necessary, as they offer a chance to understand each other’s perspectives. But that doesn’t mean it is easy or that it will immediately get better. While the news can initially feel like a blow, with time, open communication, and possibly professional guidance, there’s potential for healing… if he does the work. 

Remember that pornography was his choice. His sin is not yours to carry. Your feelings and needs are valid. Seeking support—whether through friends, family, or counseling—can help navigate this challenging period. If you are currently dealing with this situation in your marraige, know that you are not alone. Please contact us, and we will join you in prayer for your marriage

Perverse Predation 

Regular exposure to explicit content desensitizes us to the sacredness of sex and intimacy as God intended. This gradual desensitization dulls our ability to discern right from wrong. There are people behind those images who are being hurt to produce the photos and videos, often without consent. This has led to the abuse of millions of people around the world. This is a fact that many people forget when their screen turns on.  

Preserving Your Personhood 

As women in the military coumunity, our identity should be deeply rooted in our faith. Engaging with pornography contradicts the foundational aspects of who we are. It threatens to erode our self-worth, replacing God’s view of us with a distorted, objectified image. Embracing the values of modesty, purity, and self-respect is essential to preserving our identity as Christian military women and this means saying no to porn. 

In the battle to protect our spirits and maintain our Christian values, the dangers of pornography cannot be underestimated. Our commitment to honor, duty, and faith must extend to every aspect of our lives, including our online behaviors. By acknowledging the allure of instant gratification, understanding the impact on relationships, considering the consequences, and preserving our personhood, we can arm ourselves against the destructive influence of pornography.

The Takeaway

Remember the words of Philippians 4:8 (ESV), which says 

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Is what you are watching on your screen true? How about honorable? Is it pure, lovely, and worthy of praise? If not, put it aside. Turn from it.

Instead, lets focus our hearts and minds on that which aligns with God’s plan for us, fortifying our spirits against the subtle dangers of pornography and embracing the abundant life He offers.

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