Posts filed under: Prayer

Father God,

Father God, You could have just shrugged, turned away, and started over somewhere else. You could have said, “I told you so. Serves you right.” You could have said, “You......

He Is Risen

Lord Jesus Conquerer over sin and death, With joy we proclaim He is risen!  I don’t have to sit hopelessly in my shame I don’t have to work constantly to make......

Hardest Prayers of a Mother

The concept for today’s prayer came from a worship pastor, but I can’t  find the source… So, shameless plagiarism here. Also, I want to join the “hardest prayers of a......

Before the Throne of Grace

Click here to sing with Selah today: Before the throne of God above I have a strong and perfect plea A great High Priest whose name is love Who ever......

God of the Heavenly Armies

God of the Heavenly Armies, As our soldiers climb mountains in Afghanistan, kick in doors in Iraq, march on Korean soil, patrol the streets in Somalia, and everywhere fight against......

Praying Revelation 8

“Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden......

Praying I Peter 1

“…love one another deeply, from the heart… All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers, the flowers fall, but......

Prayer for homesickness

Disturb us, Lord, when We are too well pleased with ourselves, When our dreams have come true Because we have dreamed too little, When we arrived safely Because we sailed......

O Great Creator

O Great Creator, I ask You to re-create me. Make me courageous where You find fear, Patient instead of controlling, Totally sold out instead of cautious, selfish. Make me willing......

Praying Psalm 118

Praying with excerpts from Psalm 118 today: Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. Let the Air Force say, “His love endures forever.” Let......