How We’re Learning By Kori Yates Friends in our military world are many. We have friends who are friends for a season and friends who are friends for life. We......
How We’re Learning by Kori Yates Anxiety. Fear. They’re feelings we battle whether we like it or not. New places and faces. Sending children off to school. New jobs. New......
One of my favorite quotes of all time is from Helen Keller when she said, “I long to accomplish great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty and......
How We’re Learning By Kori Yates Say Something “I don’t know enough to share Jesus.” I have heard these words many times before, even sometimes from myself. I have moments......
How We’re Learning By Kori Yates Finding your heart’s desire What is that one thing that burns in your heart to do? That thing that just won’t let you go?......
How We’re Learning by Kori Yates Saved by LOVE I feel like a horrible friend. When I had a birthday, my friend remembered. She showed up at my door with......
Reaching Across the Ocean I couldn’t be there. My sister just recently walked through a very difficult time. It was a season of strange, scary, and completely unknown. With my......
How We’re Learning By Kori Yates Celebrate Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! (Philippians 4:4) I am an optimist. In “spiritual talk,” one of my spiritual......