All posts by: Kristin Goodrich

Free to Be Brave…and Head to Boot Camp

How We’re Learning By Kristin Goodrich Each of us who has worn a uniform or who is currently serving had to go through boot camp. My first-hand transition from civilian......

Free to Cry

How We’re Learning By Kristin Goodrich “Toughen up, buttercup!” “Put on your big girl panties!” “No tears. Nope.” Military culture projects an eleventh commandment to women in uniform: Thou shalt......

How to Live the Christian Military Life

  How We’re Learning by Kristin Goodrich I’m military. To tell or not to tell, that is the question. You know, when you wrestle to tell a “friend candidate” or......

“Women Can’t Fight” – His Manifesto and My Legacy

Former Senator James Webb published an article, “Women Can’t Fight,” on Nov. 1, 1979 in the Washingtonian magazine. At that time, the first classes integrated with females were just six......

We Were Sailors Once…And Young: Military Reunions Part 2

Laughter – the explosive kind, the giddy kind, the empathetic kind – and more laughter. Tears – the unbidden kind, the cathartic kind – and the “I’m laughing so hard,......

We Were Sailors Once…and Young: Military Reunions Part 1

Next weekend, I will be attending a profound reunion with my military sisters as we celebrate turning 50 years young during the 2016-2017 school year. Thirty-one years ago, on July......


This week I’ve enjoyed meeting, by phone, several recently commissioned Navy and Coast Guard ensigns who are currently en route to their first ships and boats. What joy I felt......

Sound Off!

Formation runs. I conjure up sweat running down my back, a side ache, and the sound of somebody calling a cadence. Even today, on a trail run here in Colorado......

Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Boot Camp

  Each of us who has served or is serving had to go through boot camp. My first-hand experience of going from civilian to military life happened in the summer......