***The following is the first of a two-part story. Every syllable is raw, full of grace, and the wondrous power and faithfulness of God…who hears and sees us wherever we......
***It is with great delight that I welcome my dear friend, Margaret Franklin, back to the Worship Wednesday table today. To be honest, I am pretty sure she has one......
***Today for Worship Wednesday I welcome Kayla Atkins, Worship Coordinator for Planting Roots, back to continue her story…from tragedy to triumph. Thank you, Kayla, for bringing your heart and testimony......
I froze with fear, overlooking paradise. While serving at Barbers Point Naval Air Station, Hawaii, my best friends Vicky and Steve decided to climb the Stairway to Heaven or Haʻikū......
***It is with great pleasure that I welcome my dear friend, Margaret Franklin, back to our Worship Wednesday table. I just love this woman’s heart – for the Body of......
***Today for Worship Wednesday, please welcome our guest writer and Worship Coordinator for Planting Roots, Kayla Atkins. This sweet lady has a heart of gold and a spirit that hungers......
***Today, for Worship Wednesday, please welcome my dear friend, Margaret Franklin, to the table. Her heart for the Lord and for her family is so very beautiful to me and......
Stronger Next Year No unbelief made him (Abraham) waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully......
It had happened again. I was on trial before the jurors of my field, and my sentence was read. “Not Hired.” Only it wasn’t read; instead, yet again, the......
Upon His Shoulder Key Bible Passage: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name......