Skills: Leadership development, adaptability, communication skills, passion for women’s ministry.
Past Experience: Blissfully married to the same wonderful bride for 41 years and father of three girls and a boy–all married–and four grandchildren. Following graduation from seminary with MDiv and PhD, I pastored three churches, taught in two colleges, served as president of the local ministerial association, served on the Alabama Baptist Christian Life Commission, and served on the Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity in Alexander City, Alabama, before returning to active duty as a chaplain in 1998. Retired August 2017.
Military Experience: Air Force Academy cadet, 1973-1977; communications officers, 1977-1982; chaplain, 1998-2017. Sole chaplain in Ankara, Turkey, in the two years following 911. Director of the Excellence Division of the Center for Character Development at the Air Force Academy (annual National Character and Leadership Symposium, semi-annual heritage/character development event, course director for Air Force Core Values education). Executive Officer to the Chief of Chaplains. Wing Chaplain at Fairchild AFB and Ft Meade.
Personal Statement of Christian Faith: I was born into a nominally Methodist family and my parents regularly sent me to church. Although I was very active in many of the church’s activities, even being confirmed at the age of fourteen, I had not yet come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. At the age of sixteen in 1972, the First Baptist Church in my hometown of Prattville, Alabama, was holding revival services. On a Tuesday night, I attended those services. During the invitation, I clearly realized for the first time where I stood with God–that there was a great divide that separated me from Him, and that I could not get to be where He was in my own strength. Not knowing what to do, I spoke to a counselor and he showed me how I could give my heart to the Lord Jesus. He then led me in a prayer, I gave my heart and life to Jesus, and I was born again.