What I’m Learning by Muriel Gregory


One thing I struggled with the most in military life was the feeling of not being good enough. The creepy sensation that I was not measuring up would often engulf me and leave me feeling useless. From talking to several other military wives I know this feeling is common.


Recently, I attended a prayer gathering for the International Justice Mission. Surrounded by lawyers, psychologists, crime fighters and those who work to stop modern day slavery, I felt insignificant and inadequate. How could I possibly make a difference in such a huge problem? What do I have to offer?


Then Alice came on stage. Alice, a beautiful woman from India, fiercely  fights slavery in her country. A giant in the fight against slavery, Alice is actually a small, quiet, and shy person. Standing only 5 feet 4 inches, she looked tiny on that big stage before a large crowd.


She may be a mom of 4, but she’s also a warrior with 170 rescue missions, freeing 6,000 slaves. A modern day Moses, Alice believed that she didn’t have much to offer. Yet she courageously took what she had and brought it to the fight.


Alice challenged us to offer what we have to God:

If we all bravely offer what we have, we will change the world.

What I’m Learning

“There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?” –John 6:9


Right then and there God spoke straight to my heart through Alice’s words: my not enough is all he is asking for.


When Jesus asked Philip how they were going to feed the multitudes, He knew He was asking the impossible (John 6:1-14). While Philip responded with frustration, Andrew noticed the boy with 5 loaves and 2 fish. A ludicrous offering for 5,000 hungry souls. Willingly, this boy brought his little bit to Jesus.


With the power of God, Jesus multiplied this small, useless offering. 5,000 people ate this miracle meal. Jesus changed the not enough into bounty as the disciples gathered 12 baskets of leftovers.


Think About It

Our inadequacies do not surprise Jesus. He understands our limitations and knows our struggles. He simply asks us to go all in, trusting Him with our not enough.


When we trust and offer,

Christ can multiply and perform miracles.


This  5’1” giant of faith challenged me to bring my 2 fish and 5 loaves. She reminded me that my “not enough” is all that Jesus asks of me.


How I’m Learning

Hearing God through people.

God often speaks through the words of others. Listening to Alice’s story, God spoke to my heart and inspired my faith.


The Holy Spirit reminding me of truth in the moment.

As I listened to Alice, the Holy Spirit brought biblical examples to mind, applying it to what I was learning.


As I watched Alice, the Holy Spirit reminded me of David and his 3 stones (1 Samuel 17) and Gideon and his 300 men (Judges 7). Both David and Gideon faced impossible odds, but both trusted God anyway.


Follow good examples. God inspires through examples in the Bible and in our personal experience. I am learning to trust God from the examples Alice and Andrew.

All In

All Jesus wants of us is our not enough.

Every day we have a choice in how we respond to bigger-than-us challenges. We can follow the example of Phillip, walking away in frustration and discouragement. Or we can follow the examples of Andrew and Alice, trusting God with our inadequacy.

Offering God our not enough is an purposeful, brave act of faith. God is bigger than our fears and inadequacies, but He chooses to work through us.

If we don’t give what little we have, we miss the opportunity to experience what He can do with our not enough.

What is the not enough that Jesus is asking you to offer so He can multiply it?

Pray About It

Father, help us to hear what You are asking us. Open our eyes to see what we have to offer. Give us courage to face our inadequacies as we trust You with our not enoughs.

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