Living with Eyes Wide Open I’ve been in ministry actively for over 20 years now. Married for even longer than that, with three beautiful children I have had the......
How We’re Learning by Muriel Gregory I walked away from the conversation in complete disbelief. Tears of frustration were welling up in my eyes. I could not believe that......
Releasing That Brings Receiving “What are you most resistant to let go of?” she asked matter-of-factly. My eyes darted to the floor. Immediately, I began to wrestle. The question hung......
Monday Minute with God: What I’m Learning by Muriel Gregory The last conversation I had with my husband was running through my mind. The 8-hour drive in front of me allowed......
Taking Courage Wait upon the Lord. No. Not yet. Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10). These gentle whispers from the Lover of my soul have never swallowed......
I watched anxiously as my husband backed out of the driveway, leaving on an eight-hour drive to Tennessee. He was headed to look at a few houses in preparation for......
Wait. Be still. Trust. Those words just aren’t easy for me to swallow. They never have been. Just feels too much like doing nothing. I always say, “I am just......