How We’re Learning by Brenda Pace A peek into my journal: “This morning I sit in silence. The banishment of spoken word will not last all day, but for these......
PTSD The acronym for posttraumatic stress disorder has become too common in usage among military personnel and their families. Perhaps if I type the letters in lower case they......
Monday Minute With God: What I’m Learning by Brenda Pace While walking through a local craft fair, my eyes fell upon a piece of stamped jewelry. Typically, I stop to......
Our family enjoyed a wonderful get-together for Thanksgiving. We ate too much, laughed a lot, caught up on family news, and counted our blessings. Because Thanksgiving is an American holiday......
My home of birth and record is Tennessee. A southern upbringing instilled the importance of courtesy. Personal factoid: I was voted, “Most Courteous” in high school. You need proof? When I......
I looked with dread at the day circled on the calendar. The anniversary of my father’s death was imminent. Other than my husband, my dad was my greatest cheerleader and......
Hello Labor Day! This day marks the official end of the summer season. The Pace family will remember this summer as… …the year of NO FEAR in the pool! …the......
Remember the days of old: consider the generations long past. Ask your father and he will tell you, your elders, and they will explain to you. Deuteronomy 32:7 NIV Each......