Posts tagged with: deployment

When You are Apart

As military women, we are far too familiar with being separated from our loved ones geographically. But Jolynn reminds us in today’s military that geography isn’t what makes intimacy. She......

God Transformed My Prayer Life

For this week’s Worship Wednesday, Liz shares how God transformed her prayer life from asking for her desires to an act of worship. How God Transformed My Prayer Life My......

Growing in Godliness

Ginger shares what the Lord has been teaching her about growing in godliness despite the hardships of military life for this week’s Monday Minute. Growing in Godliness by Ginger Harrington......

The Beauty of Easter

On this Good Friday, we reflect on the Beauty of Easter with this poem written by guest writer, April Erhardt. The Beauty of Easter by April Erhardt I wrote this......

A Thanksgiving Prayer

For this week’s Sunday Prayer, Tonia shares a thanksgiving prayer for our Service Members. A Thanksgiving Prayer for our Service Members by Tonia Gutting For the beauty of the earth......

3 Principles for Parenting on the Same Page

In this week’s Monday Minute, Liz kicks off this month’s theme of flourishing in parenting with some great tips for military families to practice parenting on the same page–God’s page!......

5 Ways to Flourish in Transitions after Deployment

In this week’s Monday Minute, Liz kicks off our July theme of transitions with five ways we can all flourish during troubling transitions after Deployment. Flourish in Transitions after Deployment......

Guest Post: Reintegration and God’s Strength

Our family is all in one place. We are together. We should be happy. We aren’t. I feel guilty about that. I prayed for my husband to return. I long......

Heavenly Father,

Heavenly Father, the One who loves our children more than we could ever imagine, to You we pray for them. Lord, as this new school year starts, we pray for......

A Momma Story

A Momma Story (with a redemptive ending)   ***What you are about to read is a recap of a day that unfolded several years ago. My kids were really little,......