It Really Is That Simple


“What makes you so different?” she asked, not the least bit trying to offend. With a furrowed brow, she leaned in, genuinely wanting to know. I just smiled. I understood that what I was telling her was hard to understand, to wrap the brain and heart around.

“I’m not,” I explained. “I am more like you than you may think. I am a broken woman, too. My life has been marred all along the way by mistakes big and small. I’ve had my share of disappointments, mishaps, bumps and bruises just like you.”

“Then what is it,” she questioned, “that makes you…different?”

“It’s Jesus.”

She wasn’t remarking about anything I claim credit for, but she could identify that I was “different.” I didn’t seem as stressed, as frazzled, as full of pessimism for this life, and she wanted to know what was up. So, I was honest and I told her the Truth. My hope. My future. My light. My focus and my song. Anything good about me, any gift, any joy, any goodness, any kindness…all and any of it is from and about Him.

It really is that simple? Yes, it is.

I was lost. Now I am found.

I was chained. Now I am free.

I was blind. Now I see.

I was wandering in utter darkness. Now I live fully in glorious light.

I was broken. Now I am whole.

I depended upon my own ability. Now I fully lean into His power to sustain and provide.

I was bent on destruction. Now I am full of the Promise of Life.

I could never measure up. Now I know I am daughter of the King!

And that’s just the start of all the goodness, faithfulness, sweetness that has been gifted to my undeserving heart.

I saw the void within my soul and I asked Him to come in and fill it with Himself. And He did. He does. He is.

It really is that simple.

So, I leaned right back towards her tender, open, doubting heart and reassured her. “Yes, sweet sister, it really is that simple.” And I explained that there was nothing in her life – not a single space – that could not be redeemed by the Son of the Living God.

When Jesus died upon that horrible cross, He really did finish the heaviness of the work that remained for her to come to Him. All she had to do was believe it and receive this extravagant and free gift and it would be hers, as it is mine.

 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Matthew 7:7-8 (NIV)

Ask. Seek. Knock. Then the door will be opened.

Yes, beloved, it really is that simple.

Today, I wanted to just sit in the simplicity and sweetness of being loved by Jesus. You and I don’t deserve it, but His extravagant love and grace and goodness and faithfulness belong to us even still. Just let His Truth and simple sweetness wash over you, my friends, wherever you may be. Perhaps you, like me, need the reminder to just be thankful for the simple things. The simple and stunning, surprising and ever-so-sweet love of Jesus.


The song I want to share with you today is new from Chris Tomlin’s new album, Holy Roar, entitled, “How Sweet It Is.” Enjoy.


With joy for the journey,